The Advantages of a Milkshake Machine Over a Blender

You may think it’s a waste of money for your restaurant to get a piece of equipment that only does one job, such as a milkshake machine, especially when another more versatile piece of equipment like a blender can do the same thing. However, specialized equipment often yields a better result than the more versatile options. Keep reading to learn more about the advantages of a milkshake machine over a blender.

These are the following Advantages of a Milkshake Machine

Colder and Quicker

A milkshake machine can make a milkshake much colder and quicker than your average commercial blender. Most commercial milkshake machines have built-in cooling technology that uses either air or water to keep the mixtures inside cold. Larger machines can also automatically blend flavors into the ice cream, saving your staff time and producing milkshakes much faster than a traditional blender.

Mixture Storage

You can only use a blender when a milkshake order comes in. You then must assemble the ingredients and mix everything before serving it. However, a milkshake machine, even a small one, has space for mix storage. Instead of grabbing a blender, assembling ingredients, and then pouring the treat, you can pour one as soon as it’s ordered. This also means you won’t waste any mix like you would if you put too much mix into a blender.

Safer To Use

To get a milkshake properly blended, you must put the ingredients up against the blades, which could result in injury. Even if you use a long spoon or another piece of equipment to push the mix down, you still have to clean those dangerous blades when you’re done. A milkshake machine has no such blades. It churns the milkshake in a cylinder instead. To clean it, all you must do is put the parts in warm, soapy water and scrub away debris, which is much safer than scrubbing blender blades.

Thicker and Tastier

When you make a milkshake in a blender, you just put the ingredients together and press the start button, which can create a thin, watery product. In a milkshake machine, the milk is frothed, which creates a thicker milkshake consistency. This thickness improves the taste of the shake itself and means that customers can taste additions like fruit or cookies, which would sink to the bottom in a thinner shake.

The advantages of a milkshake machine over a blender are the quicker creation of a colder, thicker, tastier product that you can easily store for future use. If you’re looking for a commercial milkshake maker with all these advantages, allow DSL to help. We provide high-quality commercial kitchen equipment for businesses all over western Canada and will be happy to assist yours.

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