5 Ways To Celebrate National Cookie Month in October

October is National Cookie Month, which means the food industry gets to look forward to an entire month of sweet treats. Cookies have been around for thousands of years and originated in Persia in 7 AD, so it only makes sense that we now have a month to celebrate and enjoy them. Whatever part you play in the food industry, you can join in on this celebration in numerous ways. Keep reading to learn about five ways to celebrate National Cookie Month in October.

Debut a New Cookie Recipe in National Cookie Month

Adding a new dessert is a great way to keep your menu updated and fresh without having to make big changes. Use National Cookie Month as an excuse to add a new cookie recipe to your menu. You can stick to just a new cookie or two, or you can build a more elaborate dessert around this new cookie. Many people like to order big skillet cookies with ice cream when they go out, so you can consider offering one if you haven’t before or making a new one for the month.

You can go beyond cookies by using your new cookie recipe to flavor other desserts. Cookie dough and cookies and crème-flavored ice cream and cakes are popular all over the world and will be in demand in October. Debut a new cookie dough milkshake or a cookies and crème cake in honor of National Cookie Month so you can stay unique and on trend.

Gift Cookies to Patrons

Inflation is on the rise and affecting the food industry, but that doesn’t mean you can’t calculate costs and offer some tasty gifts to your patrons. Cookies make the perfect gift since they’re small enough that even people who may not like sweets or don’t regularly eat them can indulge. They’re easy to slip in with the rest of a meal if you want to include a free cookie as a perk with specific orders. Alternatively, you can hand them over without the need to purchase them.

Regardless of how they get the free cookie, patrons will love this sweet, special treat and will likely share about the experience with others. Use this as a marketing opportunity and advertise free cookies for the month with any specific information about how you want to give them away. Just remember to have options for people with dietary restrictions like celiac disease so they still feel appreciated without risking their health by accepting your gift.

Wear Cookie Paraphernalia

Depending on the type of restaurant you run, your staff may not have the option to wear fun cookie paraphernalia for October. However, if management is feeling fun and the environment is right, wearing something with cookies on it is a great way to get staff members involved in this celebratory month. This also acts as free advertising for any specials you’re offering for the month, such as the new cookie recipe or free cookies we mentioned above. Guests will wonder why your staff members are all wearing something with cookies, and they’ll ask their waiter. That will open a conversation about the month and give your waitstaff an opportunity to advertise your recipes and promotions.

If you’re not sure that any piece of clothing with cookies is work appropriate, take the opportunity to gift your staff members something cookie-themed that is work appropriate. You can create team T-shirts celebrating the month with the name of your business or buy something like one-size-fits-all cookie-themed socks. Giving your staff members something specific to wear can help them feel included in the celebration, not like you’re using them as free marketing signs, so this is a good option to consider.

Use Cookies To Connect With the Community

No community is perfect, and different organizations within your community will need help and support during October and beyond. If you’re in a position that allows you to help and are unsure of how to get started, use National Cookie Month as an excuse.

You can offer internships and training classes to local high school students who are unsure about careers or host a cookie drive for children experiencing difficulties. Consider donating part of the proceeds from cookie sales to the local charity of your choice. Your involvement with the community is your choice, but showing your support of local people and organizations will help people feel good that they visit your business and put money in your pocket that helps people. If you’ve never gotten involved in your community before, use October as your trial run and explore what your community needs.

Celebrate on Social Media

People love talking about fun and wacky holidays on social media, and National Cookie Month will be no exception. Your business can hop on the trend at the beginning of the month, announcing how you plan to celebrate throughout the month. Then, you can update your celebrations as you go or make sporadic posts mentioning the celebration.

However you choose to post, make sure people know that your business is celebrating. You can advertise any of the celebrations we mentioned above, from debuting new recipes to getting involved in your community. You can also let your patrons post about their involvement with National Cookie Month on your social media. This gives them the opportunity to feel heard and celebrated for their loyalty to your business and means that you can spend less time crafting social media posts and more time on other parts of your business. Social media is a powerful tool, so make sure you make at least one post mentioning that October is National Cookie Month and your business is celebrating.

To celebrate National Cookie Month in October, consider debuting a new cookie recipe, giving free cookies to patrons, wearing cookie paraphernalia, connecting with your community, and celebrating on social media. However you choose to celebrate, this is a great excuse to fire up the ovens in your kitchen and do something special. If you’re in need of equipment that can help you celebrate, DSL can help. Our commercial combi steam oven allows you to bake cookies along with other delicious food items as you celebrate different foods and holidays throughout the year. National Cookie Month is an awesome event to boost people’s engagement.

5 Ways To Celebrate National Cookie Month in October
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