3 Hacks That Can Make Fried Food Healthier

No matter what your restaurant serves, at least one thing on your menu is probably fried. Fried food is famous worldwide throughout different cultures, and it’s not difficult to understand why. It’s delicious! Unfortunately, popularity and great taste don’t mean that fried food is nutritious. If you want to make fried food healthier for your customers, here are three hacks that can help.

Put Baking Soda in Your Batter

Chefs spend a long time perfecting their fry batter and are understandably hesitant to make changes. However, adding baking soda to your batter can make your fried food healthier. The baking soda creates gas bubbles, which means your food doesn’t absorb as much oil. You’ll still create a delicious fried coating; your food will just have less oil in it and less grease on the outside. Everyone wins.

Add Fresh Oil For Fried Food

Oil is one of the necessary ingredients for frying, and there’s no way around that. Luckily, using fresh oil is a way to ensure that oil stays fresh. Debris from previous fry batches can damage the one you’re currently working on, and reheating oil can actually make that oil carcinogenic.

However, if you have the right fryer, you don’t have to replace all your oil every time. Invest in a fryer that can filter out the debris and maintain the oil’s temperature. Also, provide a top-off to avoid any damage or carcinogenic properties without replacing your oil after each batch.

Use a Pressure Fryer

If you’re hesitant to change your batter, you might want to change your equipment. While all frying modes will still add oil to your food, the additional force from a pressure fryer quickens the process. This means you still get a crispy, fried product, but in less time. Less cooking time also means less oil absorption in the food, which is healthier for your customers.

The three best hacks to make fried food healthier are changing your batter, oil, and equipment. If you want a commercial pressure fryer to quicken your frying process and create more nutritious fried foods, DSL can help. Our extensive fryer selection allows you to choose precisely what you need for your kitchen.

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