Tips for Getting Good Word of Mouth for Your Restaurant

Why word of mouth? While many people think that the restaurant industry is all about food, there’s a lot more marketing and publicity involved than they realize. Getting the word out about your restaurant is just as important as the food you serve. If you’re struggling to get good publicity for your restaurant, we can help. Keep reading to learn some tips for getting good word of mouth for your restaurant.

Why Is Word of Mouth Important?

In a world where we can find any restaurant in our area with just a few taps on a smart phone, many restaurants don’t consider word of mouth very important. Social media is the new word of mouth, since it makes it easy for people to share thoughts and opinions about your restaurant with anyone, even complete strangers. While it’s not just people verbally talking to each other anymore, it is still an important way for people to hear about your restaurant, so you need to do everything you can to make communication positive.

4 P’s: Product, Price, Promotion, Place

One of the tenants of good word of mouth is selling the right product at the right price with the right promotion in the right place. When people fall in love with your product, enjoy the price, are excited about the promotion, and it’s in the right place to meet the demand, then they’re likely to tell their friends to visit your restaurant.

The problem with the four P’s is that some restaurants find it difficult to consistently meet all four standards. Even when they do, the four P’s are more about your restaurant than the consumer, which doesn’t always necessitate word of mouth. While you should still focus on pricing your products well, offering exciting promotions, and meeting the demand in your area, you also need to focus on creating a great customer experience.

3 E’s: Engage, Equip, Empower

When you engage with your customers, equip them with something exciting to say, and empower them with a space to share their thoughts, you’re more likely to create good word of mouth than with the four P’s. That’s because these three E’s focus more on the customer and their experience than on you. While you still need to offer good products and promotions, making sure customers have a great experience no matter what they try or promotion they take advantage of will help you get more word of mouth. You’re more likely to get good word of mouth since people like to share when they feel appreciated and heard.

Our tips for getting good word of mouth for your restaurant are to follow the four P’s and add in the three E’s as well. Know why word of mouth is important, give your customers something to say, and give them everything they need to share their thoughts. If your restaurant needs any equipment to make that happen, such as a commercial deep fryer for sale, DSL has lots of options to choose from.

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