Henny Penny Combi Oven gets Outstanding Praise from Outstanding Chef

Originally from Switzerland, Marcel Holzherr has been the personal chef for Italian soccer champion Lazio Rama’s training camp and for the Canadian Alpine Ski team in 2002, 2006, and 2010, among many other achievements. We are exceptionally grateful for his tremendous praise of the Henny Penny combi oven:

“In regards to the Combi Oven from Henny Penny, it is one of the greatest pieces of equipment I have worked at in the kitchen.

It will allow you to cook almost anything from steaks, roasts of any kind, lentils, quinoa, muffins, Danishes or breads, French fries and the list goes on. What I like about it is that it will cook anything to perfection with the minimum loss of product shrinkage.

It also allows you to program each item in there, whether it is frozen or fresh, so anyone can cook it to perfection! The oven also is perfect to hold foods and keep them moist/dry or whatever combination and degree you like. As mentioned earlier the one thing I like best is you don’t need a red seal Chef to operate it.

Once programmed, a kitchen helper or dishwasher could operate it and cook or bake/roast anything you want. The best part is the cost of it in comparison to the competition!

I would highly recommend this piece of equipment to anyone, especially with DSL’s service and training that they provide with it!

If you need any further info in regards to the Henny Penny Combi Oven, don’t hesitate to contact me! No, I don’t work for DSL nor do I get commission, I simply like the product!”

Marcel Holzherr

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