6 Benefits of Double-Sided Grilling for Your Restaurant

Cooking is both a delicate art and complex science. Whether you own or manage a restaurant or foodservice establishment, you know that smooth operation is essential in the back of the house. These days, the game of speed and precision is readily afoot. The past year has equivocally changed the world as we know it—and the foodservice industry is no exception.

The bottom line is that the pace of cooking is no longer associated solely with fast food—with drive-thru pickup, curbside takeout, and online delivery options flourishing like never before, this change of pace has set a steady scene. Ergo, what’s stood out as the staple workhorse of the foodservice business? A grill—and a two-sided one at that. With a double-sided grill, you can cook menu items efficiently to boost throughput. Let’s examine closer the top six benefits of double-sided grilling for your restaurant.

Versatility: Ideal for a Slew of Menu Items

The world is truly your oyster with two-sided grills—which are also fondly known as clamshell grills in the QSR market. Typically used in fast-casual environments or quick-serve restaurants, these grills are ideal for the cooking processes of a variety of traditionally-flipped menu items. If you serve foods with similar thickness, such as juicy chicken, fresh or frozen burgers, savory paninis, or seafood filets, you can’t go wrong with equipment that produces greater value and ease.

Speed of Service: Fast-Casual Performance

Out of the six benefits of double-sided grilling for your restaurant, faster cooking time is definitely near the top of the list. Logically, it makes perfect sense: double-sided grilling a menu item cuts cooking time in half. You can outright double your yield capacity with this innovative, streamlined methodology. Less wait time equals happier, regular customers.

High Volume: Efficient, Consistent Batches

Volume output is certainly a key factor when deciding upon a commercial grill. While there’s no one hundred percent fast formula, kitchen staff can easily prepare larger batches of menu items efficiently. The two-sided design allows for even temperatures that provide unmistakable consistency of product.

Quality Control: Programmable Cooking

Programming recipes is possible with recent models of these revolutionary restaurant-level grills. The input control flexibility for current and future menu items can eliminate operator error for the best possible food quality. Superior safety and productivity are steadily in reach.

Operational Costs: Reduced Training and Supervision Time

Optimizing time and energy efficiency is a trademark cost solution in this industry. A more automated cooking experience offers enhanced profitability. The straightforward ease of use through the elimination of production steps saves considerable time and business resources.

Have It Your Way: Accommodating Configurations

Not every double-sided grill is ideal for your restaurant’s ultimate operational goals. If you cook enough product daily to make productive use of this equipment, consider size, plate thickness, cooking surface, heat source, and programmable controls.

DSL is here to serve you with the longest-lasting kitchen equipment on the market, including an innovative commercial burger grill. Browse our solutions options of high-quality Taylor L-series grills today or contact us for further assistance regarding product specifications.

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